Fulfilled a dream of shooting one of the wonders of the world – The Great Wall of China.
That dream was inspired by Michael Yamashita, a renowned photojournalist and a 30-year veteran for the National Geographic and his book, “The Great Wall: From Beginning to End.”
I met Michael back in 2008 just when I rekindled my passion of photography. I attended his workshop and was motivated and excited by his style of photography. Some of the photos he showed us were from the Great Wall and I was so astonished by his work. I told myself that I have to have my own shots of the Great Wall!
So when work led me to Beijing, a side trip to the Great Wall is surely not to be missed!
I only had half a day for the trip. Mu Tian Yu is about an hour and a half from Beijing. But getting to the Wall itself would need a bus and cable car ride to the nearest entrance. Once there, I had about an hour and a half before my ride takes me back to the city.
Needles to say, the view is amazing. And the Wall itself is marvelous. Every step you take, you wondered how the Chinese were able to build it. The sheer size and length, the amount of stone bricks and the ingenuity is truly out of this world.
Along the uneven path, up and down the steep steps and through a number of stations, I realized the endurance and strength needed by the soldiers patrolling the wall in the olden times. In full armor, swords and shields, the weight alone simply would take a toll on the back, knees, and legs. I tried to relate by imagining myself carrying a backpack along with two DSLR bodies with grips, 2-3 pro lenses, a couple of strobes and a tripod… Its close, but maybe because they know kung-fu?
Michael had many years documenting the Wall from end to end. I only managed a small section of the wall and one and a half hour had gone by so fast. Finally, it was time to leave.
It was almost dusk by the time we are back in the city. As it is our last day, took some more pictures near and around our dinner venue.
They really need help with translations…..
Walking on the Wall that day was so tiring and realized that I am truly out of shape. But at the same time, very delightful to have done it. The view made it so worthwhile despite only have spent a short time.
Still so much more of Beijing and the Great Wall to explore. Hope to be back soon… and maybe try the Great Wall Luge next time!
Happy weekend!